Climate Futures - Carbon Footprint Calculator

Vacation Trip
Carbon Footprint Calculator

Please enter the following information relevant to your vacation trip:

Did you use air travel for your vacation trip?
Type of Trip:
Number of Passengers:
Cabin Class:

Number of Stops:

Frequency of This Trip:

Did you stay in a hotel or rented an apartment/house during your vacation?
How many days did you stay in a hotel or rented apartment/house?

Did you use your car for your vacation trip?
What type of fuel your car uses?

How many miles did you travel by your car?

Did you use bus during your vacation?
Approximately what distance did you travel by bus during your vacation?

Did you use train during your vacation?
Approximately what distance did you travel by train during your vacation?

Did you use rental car, taxi or ride share (e.g. Uber) during your vacation?
Approximately what distance did you travel by rental car/taxi/Uber during your vacation?

Did you go on a boat during your vacation?
Approximately how many hours did you spend on a boat during your vacation?

Did you go on a cruise during your vacation?
Approximately how many days did you spend on a cruise during your vacation (excluding days docked)?
